
Bunco Night

Visalia Elks Lodge 3100 W Main St, Visalia, CA

Be sure to sign up on the sign up sheet in the Member's Lounge.  This event sells out each month, so don't wait to sign up.


Trustee Meeting

Visalia Elks Lodge 3100 W Main St, Visalia, CA

Note: You must call or e-mail in advance to be on the agenda



Visalia Elks Lodge 3100 W Main St, Visalia, CA

Cook Your Own Steak Night

Visalia Elks Lodge 3100 W Main St, Visalia, CA

Cook Your Own Steak Night Time: 6-7:30pm Reservations by Thursday at 5 pm Steak $20 | Chicken or Fish $18Baked potatoes, salad, green beans and dessert